Sunday, November 7, 2010

Porn mogul plans hotel chains where guests stay for free... so long as they agree to have sex sessions broadcast on the web

A porn mogul is planning a chain of hotels where guests stay for free - if they allow their sex sessions to be broadcast live on the web.

Swedish businessman Berth Milton Jr says he plans to open 100 of the shocking sex hotels in hotspots around the world.

Milton, the son of the man credited with creating hardcore porn in the 1960s, believes the amateurish sex sessions will be a gold mine.

Although guests will stay for free, he reckons porn lovers will pay to watch members of the public having sex.

'The numbers are astonishing,' insisted Milton, calculating that a single hotel could generate $43.8 million a year in subscription fees from voyeurs watching from computers around the world.

He believes his sex hotels will work because they will be so graphic - and also believes people will look back and see his plans as the start of something massive.

To read more, click here.