Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cinco de Mayo Stay and Play Swinger's Party

Cinco de Mayo International Swingers Weekend Campout in Minnesota Come celebrate your heritage at the Cinco de Mayo International Weekend Party and Campout at the Season Opener weekend at Two Creeks, just North of the Twin Cities near Sandstone, MN, Friday - Sunday, May 1 - 3, 2009.

Real Campers swingers event hosted by Attraction in Minnesota This weekend, we'll celebrate not just being an American, but also our backgrounds. We'll celebrate not just Cinco de Mayo, but all nationalities. We are asking everyone to come share your stories about your heritage; fly your ancestral flag; come share your traditional food/dish at the Potluck on Saturday.

We expect all types of people to be in attendance; we expect many nationalities and countries to be represented. So whatever your background ... i.e. Latino, Scandinavian, French, Jamaican, English, African-American, Irish, East Indian, Native American (etc., just to name a few), come share and party with us; we suggest that you wear a traditional outfit, or something that's unique to you and your background. Also, bring a dish to share... for example - we know that Jamaican Jerk Chicken will be a part of the potluck dinner on Saturday. What will you be bringing?

Oh yeah - did we mention that this will also be a swinger's event? What better way to celebrate May than with friends from all backgrounds. This weekend event will be held at a private, secluded, 100 acre, clothing-optional campground just north of Minneapolis. You can just come in for the dances on Friday and/or Saturday night, or you can camp all weekend long. This event is whatever you make it to be. Details and location will be sent to you via email after you've reserved your space.

This event is as little as $17.50 per person if coming as a couple (add $5 after Wednesday, April 29, 2009).

For more details and to register visit AttractionUSA.com or call 320-245-6803 to register over the phone.