Monday, February 4, 2008

The 10 Commandments of Swinging!

  1. Never attempt to break up a marriage.

  2. Always keep dates unless you give ample notice of changing circumstances.

  3. Always keep the first meeting on a "no strings attached" basis, but be prepared to swing if it is mutually agreeable or to give an honest answer if something doesn't click.

  4. Never, under any circumstances exert pressure on a partner to swing.

  5. Restrict discussions of swinging to known swingers and interested persons seeking information.

  6. Protect the anonymity of other swingers by refraining from unauthorized "name dropping."

  7. Always maintain the highest standards of personal cleanliness and appearance.

  8. Do not engage in any unlawful activity that would discredit swingers as a group.

  9. Be friendly and warm with your swing partners, but understand that there is a type of emotional involvement, which is properly reserved for a spouse or "primary significant other."

  10. Always show respect for the personal attitudes, feelings and "hang-ups" of other swingers.

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