To each their own, that’s what I was taught by my elders when growing up. When others begin to attempt to take away your own right to express yourself, that’s when you take up arms.
Where would our country be if our neighbors tried to keep tabs about what we did and how we did it? By now if you don’t know what I’m writing about, you haven’t been keeping up with the latest in local news.
All too often lately when I open up my morning paper, I’m bombarded with news about “The Badd Kitty Club” and the “crusade” to remove the “filth” from the town of Sheridan, where I personally was raised all my life. I couldn’t help but notice the neighbor’s claims such as fearing for the safety of her child around “those people” and her property value going down. I’d personally like to ask a few questions about these claims and make a few things publicly known.
First of all, I’d like to let it be known that I am not a swinger by any means, but I do support the right to their own lifestyle just as anyone else. Now to the neighbor, if I may address your concerns: You say you’re worried about your child’s safety with “those people” around. I do believe you compared the swinger lifestyle to pedophiles, which I find to be a disturbing, disgusting and a plain ignorant statement. If you’re worried about your child being abducted and exploited in the club, last I knew, capable parents shouldn’t let their children outside to play at 9 or 10 o’clock a night, when the Badd Kitty Club’s parties start for the most part. Next, about your property values dropping because of a club next to your house, let me ask, what would you do if it were a different alternative lifestyle club next door to you such as a lesbian club? Well, you probably wouldn’t have to worry about your son being abducted and sexually abused. Would you campaign against them and say you don’t want “those people” next door to your house? Are you really so closed-minded that you brand anything you don’t agree with “smut” and “disgusting?”
Swingers have been around for longer than you probably assume. Just because the club caters to swingers, doesn’t mean it’s any different than Mr. And Mrs. John and Jane Doe, the 40-year-old couple down the street who throw swingers parties without your knowledge.
As for the signs on your front yard, I noticed that you have erected a new sign and placed it on a tree.
You’re worried about “the club” taking your property value down the tubes, yet you have poorly made signs, basically taking cheap shots at nice, undeserving people who do something you just so happen not to agree with. How ironic is that? I personally think you need to take a good long look at what you’re doing and wonder “why am I doing this.” Are you doing it for your personal fame or are you doing it to give the club even more free publicity? A crusade? I call it defamation, slander and all around mudslinging.
Remember, I’m not telling you anything you already didn’t know.
Matthew Timmerman is a Sheridan resident.