In a word? Everyone. Anyone. Swingers are just like you. Sexuality counselor and New York Times best-selling author, Ian Kerner estimates there are 15-million swingers in America. That’s about 5% of the population. Take a look around your workplace, your church groups, neighborhoods, and your PTA meetings… two of every 40 people jump into bed with other couples for dirty, hot, crazy, untamed sexual interludes. We actually think that number is a little low. Unlike some alternative lifestyles, there is still stigma attached to partner-swapping, free-wheeling sexual exploits, and figure many people are unwilling to disclose their true nature.
There is some truth to the pop-culture adage of the “seven-year itch”. Northern Illinois Professor B.H. King found that sexual habituation leads to changes in the way we interact with our partners. At three to seven years into a marriage, King found it requires “increased stimulation to produce the sexual excitation previously obtained by a glance or simple touch.” Translation: It may take pornography, dirty talk, and sexual fantasies to produce the same effect on your libido as one Mai Tai on your honeymoon in Maui.
King estimates that a couple open to new sexual experiences will begin to explore alternative avenues and grow together. King designates this as a crucial tipping point in a relationship - one in which a marriage and partnership ends (with a spike in divorce rates), or blossoms into a different connection. Swinging is not always the answer. In fact, many couples batten down and weather this storm together. Others turn to cheating to fulltil the spirit of sexual variety and adventure, but that comes with secrecy and deceit.
But swingers - a small minority of relationships - can swallow feelings of jealousy found in unstable relationships and soldier forward in a united, kinky front. A nationwide study by Bellarmine University Sociology Professor Dr. Curtis Bergstrand found 62% of swingers found that swinging improved their marriages or relationships, 35% said their relationships stayed about the same, and only 1.7% said they became less happy (even half of those who reported “very happy” marriages prior to swinging said they became happier).
Our anecdotal evidence suggests swingers are overwhelmingly middle class, committed couples, who love their spouse, but are sexually adventurous with other adults. We find swingers tend to be traditionally Conservative, but of a Libertarian ilk, and believe that adults should be allowed to do what they like, as long as it doesn't interfere with others (let me throw my wild sex party, and I’ll keep the screams-of-pleasure from waking the neighbors).
Who are swingers? They are you. They are us. They are all around. Welcome to the club, for you are among the sexually liberated few who can truly let loose.
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