by Toni and Glen
So you’ve made the move! You’ve decided you want to meet other couples and you have had your first experience. You look in the mirror and wonder what your partner sees.
You think to yourself… “have I changed? Am I still a good wife, mother, lover etc.? My partner watched me “do the nasty” to someone else last night! How does he see me? Am I a slut? Am I a bad person, does he still love me?”
As Glen and I have always said… it is usually the man who brings the woman in the lifestyle and it is the woman who keeps the couple in the lifestyle. You need to ask yourself a few questions. Did you enjoy meeting new people? Did you enjoy the socialization? Did you enjoy the sex? When you looked over at your partner while in the embrace of another did you feel like you were on the beginning of a wondrous journey together?
Take another look in the mirror. You are still the same person. You are still a good wife/partner/lover. You embarked on a trip to paradise together. That feeling of uncertainty is the beginning of the “Unlearning Process”. Do you remember when you were just a child? That funny tingling feeling began to emerge. Depending on your upbringing, you were coming of age, sick or possessed by Satan. It’s usually harder on young girls because there is always the fear of an unwanted teen pregnancy or the terror of being labeled the neighborhood slut! At any rate you are made to feel that it is something to be hidden. Because you are unsure of this new person budding through, it should be something dealt with using the utmost delicacy, however, it is not a situation most adults are comfortable in discussing and you probably did not get the answers to your many questions; either because you were too ashamed to ask them or your parents were to afraid to answer them.
And here you are a woman full grown. You may have had sexual experiences before you met your partner, you may have not. You have been brought up that “good girls” only have one partner. “Good girls are not sexually open. Those that are get negative labels pinned on them. Keep looking in the mirror.
If monogamy is supposed to be the “norm”, why do you find yourself forcing not to look at that handsome stranger in the grocery line? Why does your partners eyes waver when a lovely lady walks by? Why is there such a high rate of divorce in the US? If it’s so normal, why does society have to drill it in our heads that this is how we are to be? Because it’s not We are sexual creatures, it cannot be denied! To deny yourself pleasure because of an uptight anal society makes no sense. Those limp dicked, non vaginal bureaucrats only want you to be as miserable as they are. They want to control what is good and what is not. While I agree that there are certain laws that are put in place to protect, there are so many that make no sense at all! Authorities spend unnecessary time and money bothering swing clubs, when there are rapists, murderers and child molesters operating freely!
So what should you do if you feel happy and complete after your encounter? Share that feeling with your mate. Ask him/her how they felt about it. Discuss the erotic feeling it brought, it will probably land you both in bed reliving the experience or making your own experience.
On the other hand. If you feel bad, you should do the same thing. Discuss it with your partner. What exactly made you feel bad. Was it the experience itself (was your swinging partner not what you expected sexually?) Was it that you felt uncomfortable with your partner seeing you this way? Or are you still “unlearning” that “good girls do”? Let you partner know these feelings. Come totally clean “Honey, I felt uncomfortable when I saw you watching us”. Honesty truly is best, even if it makes the hearer uncomfortable. Talk about what you can do to make it better the next time. Some things get better as you do it more, some things make require adjustments. As long as you both are comfortable with any changes, it’s all good!
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